Déise Librarian



Struggling to keep yourself together, when once again another rejection comes your way. It has been a long road to here, life has thrown more than a few curveballs my way. I have had to sit with myself and search deep down to keep my head above the feeling of being beaten.

I recently found a reassuring way to stay strong, the universe works in many mysterious ways. Floating aimlessly through social media one day I came across this lovely article (which escapes me now) it was how people with different brain activity achieved or succeed in different ways. Anyhow in the article they mentioned a Ted Talk, so having a lot of free time, I thought let’s have a look.

The Ted Talk by Carol Dweck, a psychologist, speaks about how students when they received a grade that they had failed, did not see the word “Failed” they saw the words “Not Yet”. In students who thought they could not do the test, this feedback encouraged them to try again rather than give up when they get a “Fail”.

This really struck me, for each rejection I receive I feel it is the universe telling me it is not yet time, be patient, this is not the job for you, the award for you, the opportunity is in the process not so much the outcome. Learn from it, go back over it, what would you have done differently?

In doing this you praise the process that you entered, the application forms, creating new material, brainstorming ideas that may someday come into being, just “not yet”.

This gives me an inner confidence to keep doing my writing, learning every day and knowing that I will bring all this with me on my journey.  Be Strong!0bee15600a7908123c05da8d4c88e216


Author: siobhanmac

Public Librarian. From Waterford, Living in Louth.

2 thoughts on “Rejection!

  1. Lovely positive words Siobhan!

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